About Me

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London, United Kingdom
I aim to use this blog to get things off my chest, capture my exploits, write some real porn...! All I write really happens, if I ever post fiction I will make this clear in the blog title ;). Feel free to comment if you feel that you have something to add, or just to let me know your thoughts. Lately this is all about dollification and latex, but that changes quite frequently....

Tuesday 9 November 2010

meh moments, latex related?

Ok here's a thought. I had a really good time on Friday with all the rubbery fun and all the latex to wear, go out and sleep in, but I now think as happy it makes me at the time, as low I'm feeling without it; and without the one by my side who encourages and wants me to wear it, I don't feel like wearing it if that makes any sense.

I don't know what to make of it all now. I sure have to find a better balance and the one to share it with.