It's all in the title. I guess this will always be the one thing I have no idea what will happen, how far I will go, will I get to a point where I think 'hold on, this is too much' or will I always feel like there could be more somewhere. Hidden.
Recent encounters, old and new, in real life and online have only done one thing, and I'm not sure if I like it.
Realizing what rubber means to me has to be the biggest step I made so far in my journey of finding the real me. Knowing I relate it to a strong D/s context is frightening and reassuring.
Getting these thoughts out of my head may help to sort out my mind a bit and benefit the clear thinking.
One thing I know I need to do for sure is think less, do more.
In other words, to myself:
Take your own advice more often, Love. Me.
About Me

- Im_mischief
- London, United Kingdom
- I aim to use this blog to get things off my chest, capture my exploits, write some real porn...! All I write really happens, if I ever post fiction I will make this clear in the blog title ;). Feel free to comment if you feel that you have something to add, or just to let me know your thoughts. Lately this is all about dollification and latex, but that changes quite frequently....