About Me

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London, United Kingdom
I aim to use this blog to get things off my chest, capture my exploits, write some real porn...! All I write really happens, if I ever post fiction I will make this clear in the blog title ;). Feel free to comment if you feel that you have something to add, or just to let me know your thoughts. Lately this is all about dollification and latex, but that changes quite frequently....

Saturday, 26 June 2010

So what is all the fuss about?

Yes, I am asking this myself. I really don't get why I just seem to be not able to meet someone nice. I get jealous when I see my friends all loved up with their partners. I am single for too long and it just doesn't feel right. Friends tell me that I am a wonderful person. So why am I alone? Why am I the only person alone? It's like some old gypsy lady cursed me.

And then I ask myself why am making such a fuss, I have great friends, a good job I enjoy, a fab social life. I don't miss much, do I?!

I should get a pet. That would sort things for me. A friend has a really friendly cat, once they figured how to clone on demand for the general public I want a copy of this one!

1 comment:

  1. I saw you several months ago at submission getting a whipping from alex and not only did you take it very well you stood out from the crowd both before and after ! I was the tall guy in the boiler suit ,Aussie hat and I was carrying shackles around my neck . I also saw you last month and I'm very interested in getting to know you ....
