About Me

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London, United Kingdom
I aim to use this blog to get things off my chest, capture my exploits, write some real porn...! All I write really happens, if I ever post fiction I will make this clear in the blog title ;). Feel free to comment if you feel that you have something to add, or just to let me know your thoughts. Lately this is all about dollification and latex, but that changes quite frequently....

Sunday, 17 April 2011

embrace your inner slut...

I am feeling really happy today.
It's like my New Years Goal of being more out there, have fun and enjoy my kinks and sexuality really are working for me and I had a very hot and sexy weekend so far; starting with the Camden Crunch on Friday and snogging two very yummy boys, a steaming hot Spring Party on Saturday night and hopefully finishing off with some amazing tying at peer rope later today... .

Last night I overcome one of my fears, to an extend, but knowing now it all went well I feel confident in 'trying' it again. Some of my best friends hosted one of the most amazing and stunning kinky parties so far. Given you could signal what type of player you are with coloured ribbon around your wrist or arm, that was my chance to go down the 'whore' route and just enjoy and accept and relax, so I took a deep breath and put on a green ribbon, saying 'take me, I'm willing to be whorish', knowing this could eventually push my boundaries and get me into situations I may not like too much.
The urge to just be 'available' was bigger at the end than the fear of maybe getting 'used' in a way I may not like too much. I'm not someone who asks for play and usually end up not playing as I'm scared of getting rejected and worried I may annoy the other if I ask for play, so signalling I'm available without having to say it out loud was perfect and worked out pretty well.

Running last nights events past my inner eye I think it all went well, I am glad I got to play with some amazing people and went home with a big smile on my face. I feel as well that I got to know some of the newer people a bit better and I would have hoped to engage a little more with some of them on a play level, but maybe that will come at some point. Let's wait and see. So running the risk of sounding greedy, I wish I would have had a couple more people being a bit more demanding towards me last night, but for a first I suppose it all went well and gave me something to look forward to, embracing my slut side :D - hopefully a lot more in the next few months.... .