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London, United Kingdom
I aim to use this blog to get things off my chest, capture my exploits, write some real porn...! All I write really happens, if I ever post fiction I will make this clear in the blog title ;). Feel free to comment if you feel that you have something to add, or just to let me know your thoughts. Lately this is all about dollification and latex, but that changes quite frequently....

Sunday, 31 October 2010

some comments I received ...

...relating to my last post 'So that's her then' I feel I like to share, so below some quotes of the private message I received I personally find helpful. ( edited only slightly were needed for privacy reasons) If you haven't read the related post yet, I recommend to read it first, then this one, otherwise this won't make as much sense.

"One way I like to do things, is to take a general concept, like the rubber-doll or sex-doll, take what I like from it and leave the rest.
In many respects, that is what you are doing. Taking what you like, dumping the original image and then replacing it with other elements which are important to you.
There is something rather kinky about a woman wanting to be a rubber/sex-doll rather than a man. There is a wrongness to it, which is pleasing.
Your comment about being put in the libidex suit and being used so to speak, I am guessing that has some objectification elements to it. You want to be used as though it isn't you, in a way, you want your owner to do what he wants, use you for his pleasure, as he would an object. At the same time, it means you are devoid of responsibility for it, it is his doing, not yours."
"It will be interesting to hear when the 2 become 1, the moment, the event during which it happens in your head."
"I think there is a part of you that wants to be told what to wear. This is often not the easiest of things for a guy. e.g. think about how many men actually buy their partner a scarf, let alone a dress, underwear or anything else. Yet women often dream of this.
As a starting point though, you can basically create a wardrobe of attire for yourself and get him to choose from that, which should be easier.
The other element, is that a man will find the idea of being able to "dress you up" and "use you", quite appealing, essentially from a sex/selfish point of view.
Now if that person is your loving partner with your best interests at heart, that selfishness should be embraced and made to work for you."
"The reason I say this, is because men can focus on the wrong parts of it, as I have shown in myself right there. And to you, yes that can be a part of it, but I am sure that isn't one of the important elements to you. Teaching what is important, through example, temptation and above all good communication is very important in getting this part of you going down the right path. There is nothing worse than having something you love be corrupted for you. I have seen it happen. It was actually something which ended a relationship instead of making it stronger."
"The other important part, which at this point, you may not entirely know, but your post already indicates you have an idea, is how often you need it.
That is the thing with kink, it is better to vent often, rather than suffer an explosion. The doll within you has a hunger. It can't get cooped up for too long without good reason and if those opportunities are their, frustration will set in and the manifestation of that may be completely unrelated and not that easy to track back to the real cause.
Wear latex is a passive thing, something which essentially is there most of the time.
Going out in it, being dressed for your owner, that needs to happened fairly regularly.
Being put in the play suit needs to happen on occasions.
Each will have their hunger and each other them will affect the appetite of the others. Whether it is to reduce it, as you have had a feed in one form or another, or it will make your hungrier."
"I think the way that you talk about her, shows the porcelain nature of what you have, how delicate it is."
"I am not sure if you will be able to be at one with her, until you finally find someone to give her to. e.g. for now, you are her owner. It is only when you find someone to own you, that you can finally become her.
It is then he, who has the responsibility of keeping her safe and making sure she gets played with and the attention, protection and love that she needs."
"I guess, at the end, all you really need to say is that you want someone to love all of you. In the end it is not even you and then the doll with in you. It will be just you. (But what you are saying fits in with everything that comes above in regards to it being two parts of you currently.)"
"The other side of things, is remembering to embrace the kink within them. I know that I personally sometimes don't apply the approach I expect others to take to my kink, I don't do in equal amount to theirs. This fact can actually take you by surprise at times, as you don't even notice that you are doing it wrong."
"Oh, I think the other part which can take a bit of explain to some men, is that it isn't all about sex. This kinda comes naturally in reality, but when initially trying to get the concept across, it can be a bit tricky to pull their minds, well, their crotch away from the fact.
I guess that is when you need to use it as a tool. It holds their interest while you explain the rest."
"I think a final point, is to always try and recognise what is a desire of your own and what is a desire of your partners. As at times, you can find yourself thinking they desire something from you, which they don't. And because that is the case, it suddenly becomes something which no one is controlling. Because you think it is his and he thinks it is yours."
"Not sure if any of that helps, but those are a few of my thoughts on the matter.
I think you desires are reasonably common, but what makes them beautiful and unique is you. Always remember that fact."
I'm fascinated and feel a little flattered that someone I don't even know takes such an interest in what I have to say and tries to help me with making very constructive, non-biased comments which admittedly help me right now, maybe especially because this person doesn't know me, doesn't judge me.


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